
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Mangosteens, The Queen of Fruits,  or the scientific name of Garnicia mangostana. It is the crop took the form of the tree that came from the tropical forest in the South-East Asian region, that is the Malaysian jungle or Indonesia. Mangosteens had plenty of benefits because of being rich in the content antioksidan to skin and him. 

Several benefits mangosteens:

Prevented the deadly illness, mangosteens had the content of the substance xanthones that was useful to overcome illnesses that were deadly like cancer, diabetes, the heart, arthritis, alzheimer, and other. The substance xanthones that in produced mangosteens could avoid various illnesses that were caused by the inflammation, like artritis and alzheimer (was one of the illnesses of brain dysfunction). Moreover xanthone also beneficial prevented the growth of the cancer cell and the tumour. Skin mangosteens also multi the usefulness that is anti-cancer, antioksi and effective overcame the heart of the coroner, the HIV, et cetera. The extract of mangosteens skin was antiproliferasi to hinder the growth of the cancer cell. Moreover this extract also was apotosis the destroyer of the cancer cell. The content of the substance xanthone that was met to him could treat several cancer kinds like heart cancer, the digestion, the lungs et cetera. Xanthone in potent also mangosteens skin overcame the tuberculosis illness (the TB), asthma, leukimia, antiinflamasi, and antidiare. 

Eliminated the feeling of being sick, a doctor in the United States admitted to replacing the medicine of the feeling remover was sick that was suffered in his neck with consumed mangosteens routinely. Mangosteens also berkhasiat reduced the feeling of being sick. 

Against the free radical, mangosteens contained catechins that was proven to be more effective and more efficient compared with vitamin C or vitamin E in opposing the free radical available in our body. Doctor Frederc Templeman that wrote the book of "A Doctor Challenge, A Mangosteen Solution" suggested consumed mangosteens every day as supplement food, got the substance antioksidan more often was compared by any supplement that was offered in the medicine. Moreover the content alpha-mangostin and gamma-maostin in mangosteens also was as antibakteri. Alpha-magodtin also it was known had his equally good effectiveness with antibiotika that was in the market like amphicillin and minocycline.

Reduced hypertension, hypertension or hypertension also happened because of the existence of the disturbance in blood vessels, and the risk towards the heart disease and stroke. Mangosteens could overcome this matter, especially to normalise the weight. 

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