
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anne Hathaway Super Thin After Grueling Catwoman Workouts

I eager to see the new catwoman movie. Do you know why? It is because of Anne Hathaway. Hahaha. She has work hard for this movie. Let us read the article below. Enjoy!!

Anne Hathaway looked like she was in the best shape of her life when she appeared yesterday (Aug. 8) in an Alexander McQueen bustier dress at the New York City premiere of her new film, “One Day.”
Hathaway, 28, says she’s working out five days a week during filming of “The Dark Knight Rises,” the latest in the Batman series to keep up with all the physical action.
“They’ve given me a martial arts exercise that I have to do all the time to teach me grace and proper stance and fluid movement,” she said in a recent interview.

Check out Anne’s svelte figure; click the photos to enlarge.
“It looks so gentle, but when you’re actually doing fight choreography it’s ‘Oh my gosh, that’s actually a block.’ Oh, I’m hitting somebody’s throat right now.
“It’s been a lot of fun, it’s been a new challenge. I’d really like to do a lot more of it. It’s not something I ever thought I’d do.”

She plays Catwoman, and an early glimpse of her costume in photos released by Warner Bros. drew some hoots on the Internet.
“What I am happy to say is if you didn’t like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do. And if you did like the photo, you have excellent taste,” she joked about the reaction.
Hathaway’s body-hugging black dress also raised eyebrows at the premiere because of her tiny waist and thin limbs, causing some to speculate she may be going overboard with the workouts.
But the 5’8″ actress, who is undergoing stunt training and strength exercises followed by 90 minutes of dance for her physical role, seems to realize that being skinny isn’t sustainable or enjoyable.
“I’ve hit the point in my life where I understand that being skinny is not sustainable, advisable, [or] enjoyable,” said the vegetarian.

“My identity used to be shaped on my appearance so much,” she said. “I don’t think I was shallow; I just think I was young. I focus on other things a lot more now.
Anne says she’s also not fazed by aging despite working in an industry that worships youth and physical perfection.
“I find the passing of time very liberating,” Hathaway told reporters on the red carpet.
“I feel more confident every, well not every single day, but most days I feel better than I did the day before, and that’s a good thing.”
Anne, who’s dating but has no intention of marrying or having children anytime soon, says she’s living life one day at a time.
“For every generation where traditional rules don’t apply, you don’t have to have things figured out by 22 and have four kids by the time you’re 30,” she says.
“We have a lot more time to figure out who we are.”

Monday, August 15, 2011

Reese: Save Time Exercise With Friends

Reese Witherspoon has a solution to solve time-crunch problems and socialize more while keeping her weight in check.
Because the 33-year-old actress struggles to find the time to work out and socialize, she arranges meetings with her pals at the gym.
“I try to exercise every day. I like to run for about an hour, and I’m big into working out with girlfriends,” she told InStyle magazine.
Reese has battled to overhaule her life since her divorce from actor Ryan Phillippe, who fathered children Ava, 10, and five-year-old Deacon, in 2007.
The split encouraged the “Monsters Vs. Aliens’”actress to take more time out from work and do things she enjoys.
“You just have to keep going, you have to keep it together for your kids and yourself too. I’m trying to learn from the things that have happened in my life, live more in the moment, and have more fun,” she said.
She says she’s spending a lot of her free time with boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal at her farmhouse outside Los Angeles.
“Jake is a great cook, he does a lot. We spend the weekends at my farmhouse. We have chickens and we grow cucumbers and tomatoes. It reminds me of where I grew up in Tennessee,” she said.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Famous Celebrities Who Were Institutionalized

Famous Celebrities Who Were Institutionalized

Person with mental illness
Checking in the loony bin to get help for mental illness can be a double-edged sword. On one side you are improving your chances of bouncing back. On the other side people denigrate you for being so much as associated with a mental facility.
When famous persons get committed to a mental institution, this inconvenience is multiplied tenfold. Their immediate social circles are not the only one in the know; the entire planet is. Before long the blogosphere is already roasting them alive. This is how fame collects its dues.
Fame may have brought these celebrities there in the first place. Mental conditions seem to dovetail well with popularity, as many people in this list would demonstrate.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears rapada2007 – pop culture pundits remember this as the year Britney Spears literally went lady gaga. Coming from a divorce the year before, the pop superstar cranked up the crazy and shaved her head. It has been a downward spiral since.
In 2008 Spears finally checked into the psychiatric ward of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. The weeklong meds there may have done her some good as she released a well-received album later that year.

Carrie Fisher

Carrie FisherNo one would have thought Carrie Fisher’s nerves would be having a Star Wars of their own. Decades after her star turn in that saga, Carrie Fisher latched on to drugs and alcohol to treat a looming insanity.
At 40, she finally entered a mental institution for bipolar disorder. There, she would not sleep for days on end and think persons on the TV screen were directly talking to her.
With the right meds however, she was able to turn her life around. To this day, the erstwhile Princess Leia is undergoing treatment, including electroshock therapy.

MindSoothe – promotes balanced mood, emotional health and feelings of well-being

James Taylor

James TaylorJames Taylor is unique in this list for positively seeing through his nine-month stay in the funny farm. He even sounds grateful for it on his hit song “Fire and Rain.” Apparently the stay kept him from serving in the Vietnam War, thereby saving him.
James was near graduating from high school when a deep depression set in, forcing him into Massachusetts’ McLean Hospital in 1965. Making the most of his time there, he continued studying through the facility’s partner school, Arlington.

Joey Ramone

Joey Ramone - The RamonesPunk rock king Joey Ramone endured schizophrenia and social anxiety while growing up. But he did not enter a mental hospital for years – until he brandished a knife at his mother and sibling. He remained there for a month.
In the years thereafter, Joey reformed himself as a rock god, worshipped by thousands of sad boys like him.

SocialFear Relief - relieves social fear, anxiety, nervousness, shyness and stage fright

Marilyn Monroe

marilyn monroeMarilyn Monroe was as famous for her feeble mental state as she was for her blonde bimbo act. In hindsight it was her genes that directed her fate. Her mother also has a mental illness and perished during institutionalization.
Historians know Marilyn grew sick of being used like a rag by men in high places. She also yearned to be treated right by Hollywood, to be given roles that showcased her acting range. In 1961, a doctor misled her into checking into a mental hospital, the very place she was scared of.
Life was not any better after she got out. Men in power continued passing her around until her untimely demise.

Margot Kidder

15qcFans of the Superman movies would never forget that scene in which a nutty, nude Lois Lane hides around a woodpile.
In a curious case of life imitating the art, the actress who portrayed her, Margot Kidder, was committed to a mental facility in 1996 for manic depression.

Melancholy Lift - relieves feelings of melancholy, sadness, grief and weepiness

Vivien Leigh

Vivien LeighVivien Leigh’s legendary beauty belies her brain’s disarray. Even during the peak years of her popularity, she languished in manic depression. But no one in the movie-going public had any idea. Doctors were notorious then for covering mental illnesses up and employing crude treatments for them.
Vivien was winning Academy Awards even as the mental disease continued hounding her. It came to a head with an admission to a mental facility plus sessions of electroshock therapy. Hollywood urban legend has it that the sessions burned parts of her head.

Winona Ryder

Winona RyderHer 1990 stint in a mental hospital foreshadowed her performance in 1999’s Girl, Interrupted. Exhausted, anxious and depressed, at a time when she had just withdrawn from The Godfather: Part III cast, Winona was institutionalized.
She checked out after only a few weeks. In interviews afterwards, she said her confinement was for naught, that it offered nothing in the way of denouement to her troubles. Years later, Winona was embroiled in a shoplifting incident.

SAD Soother - relieves depression related to seasonal affective disorder

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono InterviewJohn Lennon’s paramour attempted suicide after divorcing her first husband in the US. Yoko’s parents were so concerned they returned her to Japan to be institutionalized.
She remarried afterwards but that relationship also went up in flames, although not before it gave her a bundle of joy.

Report: Lady Gaga Is 'Sick and Obsessed with her Weight'

A shared article By Kiki Von Glinow  
Forget the 'Edge of Glory,' according to a report from Star magazine (via Radar Online), Lady Gaga is on a dangerous edge when it comes to her health. From her eating habits to her extreme self-scrutinizing, apparently it is just a matter of time before Gaga's unhealthy lifestyle catches up with her.

"Those who have worked with her on tour reported to me that Gaga barely ate for weeks at a time to fit into her costume," investigative journalist, Ian Halperin told Star. "She is sick and obsessed with her weight. One friend told me, Gaga will stare at herself in the mirror for hours on end, analyzing and critiquing her body. It's an unhealthy obsession."

But fitting into her outrageous and often barely there get-ups isn't the only reason Gaga is so concerned with her body -- according to Halperin, she uses her outlandish wigs and perfectly toned body to distract from the side affects of her Lupus -- a disease she has publicly admitted to battling. The disease has reportedly caused the mother monster to lose hair and break out in red blotches all over her body.

But Halperin who has been investigating Gaga for the past 12 months explains that her disease and her weight problems are not her only demons.

"Her drug use started young," he explained. "From heroin to cocaine and ecstasy, her friends say that she has done every drug conceivable. You name it she has done it. She's morphed into this caricature called Lady Gaga, who isn't even a real person. The girl known as Stefi to her friends and family has all but disappeared."

Although we imagine that it's only human to be somewhat self-scrutinizing when you're performing in front of millions, we hope that Gaga can take her own 'Born This Way' advice.